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MaxQ’s Cold Chain Digital Solution ‘MaxTrace’ Provides Real-Time Visibility + Predictive Insights to Prevent Temperature Excursions

Introducing MaxQ’s latest digital solution, MaxTrace. Since 2020, when this concept won the DHL Innovation Challenge, we have been working diligently to upgrade and evolve this solution into a complete device-agnostic cold chain management platform with enhanced predictive intelligence. This predictive intelligence technology can detect and notify users of a potential temperature excursion with recommended actions up to 12 hours in advance to take action and prevent product loss.


MaxTrace offers unparalleled real-time visibility into your temperature-sensitive shipments. Providing early detection of any temperature excursions and predictive insights to users to help prevent product loss. With a first-of-its-kind, truly device-agnostic cold chain user experience, the MaxTrace cold chain management platform provides operational flexibility to global organizations, with actionable insights from the Cradle to Grave of a shipment. It enables data-centric risk mitigation in your pharma supply chain. Maximize operational efficiency by analyzing past shipment data and correcting recurring incidents, leading to a more optimized supply chain. These innovative features empower you to take proactive measures and ensure the integrity of your products at all times.

MaxTrace, Device-Agnostic Cold Chain Management Platform

Predictive Intelligence

Know if a temperature excursion is predicted up to 12 hours in advance. Actionable alerts allow ample time to react to prevent product loss.


Compatible with any packaging, device, and software – allowing easy integration. Create shipments, monitor all devices, and view completed shipment performance reports in one place.

Real-Time Visibility

At the touch of a button, view current shipment temperature, location, device battery level, estimated arrival time, lane SOP compliance, and more in real-time.

Cradle-to-Grave Shipment Management

Access pre-shipment shipment intelligence and risk management, including carrier, route, and packaging selection. Monitor in-transit shipment data using both real-time IoT trackers and carrier updates. Use post-shipment thermal insights to accelerate product release and lane SOP compliance auditing. All in one platform.

Purpose-Built for Large Enterprises

End-to-end API control, out-of-the-box capability. Rapid integration support provided by a seasoned cold chain team.

MaxPlus Digital Solutions

Want to learn about how MaxTrace can support your cold chain operations? Read more, sign up for a demo, or even pilot the software free for 60 days on the MaxTrace website below.