Whether you are sending blood to a patient for a transfusion, to the diagnostic lab for review, or shipping overseas, MaxQ has a solution.
Recognizing that blood products have a variety of uses and needs, MaxQ Research offers a wide range of solutions to any human blood product transport problem. Our team is always innovating and solving blood product problems. If you have a problem that we can help solve, let us know, and we will be happy to work with you to find a solution.

MaxPlus Non-Dry Ice Plasma Shipper
MaxPlus collection containers are designed specifically for blood center delivery of packed red blood cells, plasma, platelets, and donor tubes. They are pre-qualified to maintain refrigerated temperatures and combine unprecedented thermal performance with an optimized design to save space while keeping costs at a minimum. Our shippers provide all-season pack-outs for local delivery and export shipping. Products include non-dry ice plasma shippers, platelet shippers designed to fit Cerus INTERCEPT® bags without folding, donor tube shippers, and multi-product blood shippers.

MaxPlus Intelligent Shipper
Purpose-built and qualified MaxPlus Packaging Solutions are pre-qualified to hold specimens at precise temperatures during transport. Our easy-to-pack, quick-to-deploy, pre-qualified solutions range from single-use instant-activation STAT transport pouches to 72-hour UN3373 shippers that provide enhanced flexibility in all shipping ambient environments. From our new intelligent international shipper with onboard temperature and GPS tracking to our specimen pouches, we have the solutions to fit any need, no matter how large or small.

MaxPlus Blood Cooler
MaxPlus Transfusion Service Coolers and specimen pouches are perfect for in-hospital use, STAT transport, transfusion deliveries, hematology specimen pick-ups, and more. Our coolers are optimized for packed red cells, whole blood, platelets, plasma, specimens, tissue, and organs. All with no special handling or bench-time conditioning. The pre-qualified MaxPlus Blood Coolers have simple pack-outs and can be deployed in a matter of seconds to help our clients protect the safety of patients. We offer all-in-one Massive Transfusion Protocol coolers, OR/ER blood coolers with our without integrated temperature monitoring, and a cooler made specifically for EMS use.

Custom Solutions
Have a packaging challenge, risk, or potential issue as you navigate new or deficient users’ needs? We design systems for your unique product and operating conditions. Our on-site production facility can design, build, test, and qualify solutions for the harshest operating conditions. Share your requirements, and our packaging experts can develop an operationally valid prototype as early as 3-4 weeks.
Reach out to us today with your requirements to learn more about the right thermal packaging solution for you.